Do you need to know what credit card starts with 5466? All cards that start with 5466 belong to the Mastercard network.
You can tell what type of card it is by the first number. Mastercards all start with 5.
Read this guide to learn more about what the numbers on your credit card indicate.

What Credit Cards Start with 5466?
All cards that start with 5466 are in the Mastercard network. You can tell that the card is a Mastercard debit or credit card based on it starting with a 5. However, Mastercard started testing cards that start with 2 in 2017 and issuing cards beginning with 2 in 2019.
What Do The Numbers on Your CC Indicate?
All credit cards have between 13 and 16 numbers. Like the numbers on checks, each number on your credit or debit card has a purpose.
The First Digit – Major Industry Identifier (MII)
The first digit of every credit card is the MII number. The number indicates the network that the card belongs to. Below are the MIIs for all major credit card companies.
- 2 – Diner’s Club or Mastercard
- 3 – American Express or Diner’s Club
- 4 – Visa
- 5 – Diner’s Club or Mastercard
- 6 – Discover
Digits 1 Through 6 – Bank Identification Number (BIN)
Digits 1 through 6 on your credit card are the BIN. They indicate the card issuer. Numerous financial institutions utilize the Mastercard network.
So, if you want to know which bank issued your card, you need the first 6 numbers. You can then use a tool like to look up the information.
Digits 7 Through 15 – Account Number
Numbers 7 through 15 on your Mastercard are your card account number. They are specific to your account.
The Last Digit – Verification Number
The last number on each credit, debit, prepaid, and a gift card is a verification number that banks and processing systems use to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the digits entered. Payment processing systems use an algorithm created by Hans Peter Luhn in the 1950s called the Luhn formula to verify that the card digits were entered accurately.
Numbers on the Back – Card Verification Value (CVV)
On the back of each credit card is a CVV that provides a layer of protection for consumers from fraud and hackers. The CVV is not stored in payment processing systems like the other information on your card, but merchants may ask you for the number when processing payments. You may also see the CVV referred to as:
- CVC – Card Verification Code
- CVV2 – Card Verification Value 2
- CIN – Card Identification Number
- CID – Card Identification Digit
- CIV – Card Identification Value
Don’t forget, we’ve already covered what card starts with 4147, 4400 and 6011.
What Mastercards Use 5466?
If you receive a credit card or open a new debit card account and your card starts with 5466, it is a Mastercard. However, you need at least the first six digits to determine the issuing bank, card type, and country of origin.
Final Advice When Your Credit Card Starts with 5466
If your credit card starts with 5466, it is a member of the Mastercard major network, and you can use it in 210 countries and territories worldwide. The ability to use Mastercard in so many locations makes it an ideal credit card for everyday use and travel.
You may also receive perks from your Mastercard, such as reward points and cashback. Furthermore, mand Mastercards come with higher spending limits than other cards, and they cost less for merchants to process than American Express, so more merchants accept them.
For help with other personal finance topics, like ways teens can earn money without a regular job, read the other guides on our site.