- The world economy is a ticking time bomb. At some point, the bomb will go off, paradigms will shift, and epic fortunes will be lost and made. This isn’t a pessimistic doomsday forecast by some sort of permabear; it’s the unavoidable economic truth. Artificially low-interest rates have been used almost non-stop as an easy economic...
- Capitalism is an intense system. Lottery winners generally go broke. Countless celebrities – with millions in earnings – often still go bankrupt. Most pro-sports players lose almost everything. At the same time – bizarrely to some – regular people often build multi-million dollar empires. Some even retire in their 30s – or in their 20s,...
- Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, just declared open war with U.S. oil producers. In a meeting with OPEC+, his energy minister let the other members know that Russia will no longer be playing ball in terms of how cheap they’ll sell oil. This has led to an oil price implosion. As of right now,...
- If you want to build the greatest amount of wealth possible in the shortest amount of time possible, then you’ll need to create a wealth-building engine. That’s because the best way to approach anything is to systemize it. The more you systemize your strategy, the better the results you’ll receive. This is true for every...
- I worked non-stop from high-school until the age of 26. I don’t mean I just had a job during that time – I mean I worked non-stop. I worked countless long hours (averaging 18+ hours per day), drove a dumpy car, suffered through multiple business failures, lost everything once (and came close again a few...
- In the ancient Chinese military treatise “The Art of War”, the author Sun Tzu wrote: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” When you learn the basic principles of strategy and internalize them, you drastically increase your chances of success. The...