- If you want to start a credit repair business in Texas, there are a few steps you need to take. Setting up your company correctly will prevent legal issues in the future. To start a Texas credit repair agency, you must understand how credit repair and modeling work, file a business entity, obtain a professional...
- The punishment for credit card fraud is serious. However, the severity of credit card fraud charges depends on the crime’s jurisdiction and circumstances. Punishments for credit card fraud can include probation, jail time, fines, forfeiture of personal assets, and other legal consequences. Learn more about punishments for credit card fraud in this guide with examples...
- Are you wondering if identity theft is a federal crime or felony? The charges and punishments for identity theft depend on the severity of the crime. There are many types of identity theft, including using a stolen credit card, applying for credit in someone else’s name, impersonating someone else, and others. For more severe identity...
- Are you wondering about credit card forgiveness for the elderly? Whether you are looking for yourself or an aging parent or grandparent, it is understandable that you want to know about the available options. The effects of mounting debt are challenging for people of any age. However, it can be impossible for retired people on...
- If you are considering bankruptcy, it is important to know how to live on a Chapter 13 budget. If you do not live by the budget you submit to the judge, they can dismiss your case, leaving you vulnerable to aggressive collection attempts, foreclosure, and other adverse effects. To live on a Chapter 13 budget,...
- Many businesses use Quickbooks to keep track of their finances. By using ‘classes’ in Quickbooks, you can run reports for specific locations, types of inventory or services, time, and other financial information. Creating classes in Quickbooks is relatively straightforward once you know how to set them up. Read this comprehensive guide with step-by-step instructions and...